…? That’s all we can say right now about the progress and current state of Richard and the APAs. With no internet access and very flaky mobile coverage, I received a text yesterday that could have been sent any time in the past two days that merely said “Leaving shortly, all OK.”
Whilst the festival carries on for another three days culminating in the burning of the man and many of the sculptures that had been specially built for the event, Richard will be arriving back in the UK some time today, with more information, and sand rashes where you shouldn’t get sand rashes.
In the meantime, certain publications have been granted access to report on the festival at large, so peruse our “curated” selection of the coverage from a US and UK perspective:
USA Today had this to say: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/09/02/dust-storms-burning-man/71616912/
whilst the UK, we have the art perspective the Guardian newspaper:
and some great pictures here courtesy of the Daily Mail newspaper:
Early next week we will have our own first hand news to pass on so please be patient whilst Richard washes the sand out of, well, everywhere and applies the after-sun…