New for 2023 – XTA, MC², and globcon form a technical collaboration for multi platform (PC & Mac) control of MC² Delta DSP and XTA DPA amplifiers.
globcon provides “consistent and coherent control of professional entertainment equipment from different brands as if they were just one.”
Key control features that this software brings are:
- Smaart Integration
- Fast grouping
- Midi / OSC Connectivity
- Web UI control layer
- Fast access control layouts Improving workflow in Live & Installed Sound applications.
Much of the control available in Audiocore amped edition is available in globcon with many additional benefits, these include:
- Native control for PC & Mac (both Apple/Intel silicon supported)
- Device view provides meter & status for all connected units
- Grouping configurable via global control panel with cross point matrix
- Multi-control window / multi-screen and flyout faders
- Store / recall control layouts
- Midi/ OSC hub – channel and group faders / mutes assignable to external controls
- IP Control hub – presents fader / mutes /meters at an ip address accessible in a web browser
Select your operating system and download using the links below:
PLEASE NOTE: globcon currently controls the following OEM partner DSP amplifiers, with more on the way – Aura Audio, Funktion One, Quested.
Please see some video guides below giving you an overview on globcon and it’s features.

Video 1 – Brief introduction to globcon, the extra features and how it controls XTA DPA and MC2 Delta DSP Amplifiers

Video 3 – Grouping – The virtual 32 output processor in your amplifiers – how to apply it and get the best of it. Covers zone management and touring / live music systems

Video 4 – Web based, Midi, and OSC control. Gains and mutes can be easily controlled on a web page, via Midi and or OSC – Here is how. Allows limited system control to those that need it or extends control for advanced users

Video 5 – Smaart Integration, controlling smaart using globcon and overlaying smart measurement on the EQ tab. Rational Acoustics Smaart api communicates with globcon – This guide shows you how